BabyToons Privacy Policy

BabyToons. (hereinafter referred to as “BabyToons”, “we”, or “us”) respects the privacy of its users, both parents, and children (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “user”). We believe that it is important for you to make informed decisions regarding the use of our applications (“Apps”). Therefore, we have provided our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) which describes our privacy practices while you use our Apps. Please read it carefully as it will help you understand what we do with the information that we collect.

If you are a minor child or under the legal age to consent, please read the following privacy with your parent. Also, you must obtain parental consent before playing our Apps. 

BabyToons is committed to protecting the privacy of children who use our Apps. This privacy policy explains our information collection, disclosure, and parental consent practices concerning the information provided by children. Accordingly, this Privacy Policy aims to comply with the requirements of the U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), the General Information Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), and any other applicable laws. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy.

We may translate this Policy into other languages. If there is any difference between the English version and any other language version of this Agreement, then (subject to applicable laws and regulations) the English version will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

1. What information do we collect from you and how do we use it?

In short, we collect information directly or passively. We won’t require a child to disclose more information than is reasonably necessary. 

(a) Information we collect directly from you 

Currently, we do not collect any information directly from you, such as biological information, location information, contact information, etc. If we change the type of information collected, we will mention it in our privacy policy and send a notification to users.

(b) Information we collect passively: 

We also collect certain technical non-personal information (which might be considered as personal information under some legislations), such as

(1) IP Address;

(2) Log and usage data, such as game progress, game time, achievements, and error and crash reports. 

(c) Information collected by third parties:

Please carefully read Part 2(Advertising) and Part 3(a) (Authorized third parties) of the Privacy Policy. 

2. Advertising

(a) In order to allow us to continue offering the Apps for free or at a low cost, we may display advertisements to you. To enable advertising tracking, we allow our advertising partners to collect device identifiers (i.e. IDFA on iOS) that might be considered as personal information under some legislation. You can choose whether to allow or disable our Apps from collecting this device identifier when prompted for an authorization notification by your phone system or through the privacy settings in your phone system.

(b) Currently, we only contract with Google LLC to provide advertising. By indicating our content as child-directed, we disable any Interested-based ads and remarketing ads on our Apps.

3. Do we share any information we collect?

We do not sell any of your personal information with or to any independent third parties. Situations where we will disclose or allow a third party to collect (i.e. the device identifiers) your information are: 

Service Provider

SDK name


Privacy Policy

Google LLC



Google LLC


Data Analysis

4. How do we protect and secure your information?

We may take proper physical, technical and administrative measures based on the existing technologies to prevent the illegal copying, loss, misuse, unauthorized access, download, disclosure, and changes of your information security. These measures include but are not limited to, SSL, encrypted storage, information center access control, and dedicated network channels and proxies.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. While we strive to protect your personal information, we also remind you to be aware of hacking, cyber-attacks, and other risks on the Internet.

5. Contact us with your questions

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or have any requests for resolving issues with your personal information while using our services, please contact us as soon as possible by emailing us at

6. Any changes to this policy?

We may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. When we do, we will indicate the date that this Privacy Policy was last updated. Any changes we make will be effective immediately upon notice. The updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. If we make material changes to this privacy notice, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to review this privacy notice frequently to be informed of how we are protecting your information.